Friday, September 29, 2017

Natural Disaster Here: The Terremoto- The Ugly, the Bad and the Good!

    Last year there were two terrible earthquakes in Central Italy. One destroyed the ancient town of Amatrice while the second caused further damage to already weakened areas and to new areas as well.

Where we are staying, Morravalle, a town that had considerable damage and daily we witness the slow state of repairs to structures.
Any time you see the orange fence up you can suspect damage. People and businesses had to desert their premises and take up temporary residences in either someone elses's home or in containers.
     Where we used to stay in the countryside outside of Sarnano the magnificent old country villa has been condemned until reconstructed.
It's previous owners said the roof was built like a tank but when the earth shook the beautiful old wooden beams from what had once been a convent some 600 years ago collapsed. As it still looks pretty good from the outside where only some cracks and missing bricks are evidence of the tremors and aftershocks looks can be deceiving. Their neighbors on their side of the white road had similar experiences. 
The other side had none. One is rebuilding from the ground up.
     Even Sarnano had problems. The old medieval towers stand but just below them reconstruction has been going on for a year and probably for lots longer.
When we were at the market there yesterday even the national police, the Carabienari, were housed in a temporary FEMA type structure as well as several banks.
     The Italian People are giving all they can to help. Much like the US is doing for Harry and Irma and now finally Maria, they donate and help out the others. Our host, Hugo, who is the same age as I am, took the two days extra for our apartment that we owed him and donated it to the reconstruction.  He gave me a copy of the Bank receipt. He was proud of his helping and kindness and I am even prouder for knowing someone who made such an act of kindness to his town.

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